DEMO SL Changes


Major changes

  • CUT redefined from
    ‘CUT entry = fact type, process step where it is created, process step where it is used;’ to
    ‘CUT entry = object class | P-fact type, C-act kind | “<derived>” | “<given externally>” | “<provided as parameter>” C-fact kind;’
    on page 21.

Minor changes

  • Replace ‘Now’ with ‘now’ on page 3 and 8.
  • Added the sentence ‘The executor links and initiator links are included because they imply the existence of an access link.’ on page 14.
  • ‘Put differently’ changed to ‘Consequently’ on page 17.


Major changes

Minor changes


Major changes


Minor changes

  • Removed sentence ‘Because of this formal approach, the syntax of DEMOSL is defined in EBNF’ on page 2.
  • ‘very different from’ changed to ‘quite unlike’ on page 2.
  • Moved the sentence ‘Thereafter, the definitions of the basic terms in DEMOSL are presented.’ to before the EBNF on page 2/3.
  • Note added ‘NOTE1. The time indication in the last three lines of the second example (on every day …) is clarified in Sec. 2.4. Next, “free cars” is a derived fact type.’ on page 4.
  • Note expanded from ‘O, I, R and A’ to ‘Ordinal, Interval, Rational and Absolute’ on page 5.
  • Note tightened up from ‘may’ to ‘better’ on page 5.
  • Added the sentence in 2.4 ‘Note that the value of the universal variable ‘Now’ is also expressed in the Julian scale.’ on page 7.
  • The expression “between <point in time> and <point in time>” has been changed to “on every <time unit> between <point in time> and <point in time>” on page 7.
  • The remark ‘The value of the universal variable ‘Now’ is also expressed in the Julian scale.’ has been deleted on page 7.
  • The text ‘represents’ has been replaced by ‘is an expression of’ on page 25 and 26.
  • Duplicate reference has been removed from the footnotes.


Major changes

This is the new format of DEMOSL. Comparing these versions on items is not finished.

Minor changes



Major changes

Minor changes


Major changes

Minor changes


This is the first published version of DEMOSL